Eta Chi Omega Chapter
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Welcome to the
Eta Chi Omega (ECO)
Welcome to the Eta Chi Omega (ECO) Boutique, your one-stop destination for the chapter's attire! Enjoy browsing our collection and purchase your preferred attire at your convenience to showcase your ECO pride.
Purchasing Instructions
For the AKA Classic Black Blazer and Green AKA SS Polo, please click each picture to be directed to the respective vendor's website to place your order. For the Community Service T-shirt, please see visit the store to place your order.
Vendor: The Real Greek
Item: AKA Classic Black Blazer
Price: $139.99 (without shipping and taxes)
Vendor: Valley Greek, LLC
Item: Green AKA SS Polo
Price: $40.00 (without shipping and taxes)
Vendor: Greek Expressions
Group Order Name: AKA - Grad Chapter Community Service T Shirt
Price: $31.49 (with tax)
200 Bertrand Street
Lafayette, LA 70506