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History of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®


Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® had its humble beginnings as the vision of nine college students on the campus of Howard University in 1908. Since then, the sorority has flourished into a globally-impactful organization of over 290,000 college-trained members, bound by the bonds of sisterhood and empowered by a commitment to servant-leadership that is both domestic and international in its scope.


As Alpha Kappa Alpha has grown, it has maintained its focus in two key arenas: the lifelong personal and professional development of each of its members; and galvanizing its membership into an organization of respected power and influence, consistently at the forefront of effective advocacy and social change that results in equality and equity for all citizens of the world.

Learn more about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® by visiting .

History of South Central Region


In 1924, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s leadership designated members of various local areas as organizers, to further expand the Sorority beyond its then, 32 chapters. During that same year, the chapters were organized into regions formed according to geography and population density. Historically aligned with these distinguished Sorority events is the spectacular formation of the first chapter of the South Central Region, Phi Chapter located in Wiley, Texas on the campus of Wiley College.  The South Central Region encompasses the great states of Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and New Mexico.


As the number of graduate and undergraduate chapters grew in tandem with service and sisterliness in the region, the vision of the Founders was manifested. The excitement and accomplishments of its members escalated to notable status under the leadership of its umbrella organization. Consequently, the South Central Region has a significant position in the history books of Alpha Kappa Alpha, with four former International Presidents hailing from the Region.


For additional information on the South Central Region, visit

History of Eta Chi Omega


The Eta Chi Omega Chapter was chartered on March 30, 1963, in Lafayette, Louisiana. The chapter was organized under the leadership of then Regional Director, Odalie S. McDonald.  Chartering members include Gwendolyn S. Aaron, Bobbie Auguste, Louise Bellamy, Melba Braud, Rosemary Daniel, Delores Fenelon, Nettie Richard Green, Melrose Haley, Joyce Hudson, Clotile Mims, Barbara Penn, Stella Pete, and Earline Dixon Pipkin, who served as Eta Chi Omega's first president.  It was through the Eta Chi Omega Chapter that the Epsilon Beta Chapter was chartered on the campus of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 1967. Osie Davenport served as the liaison between the Chapter and the University.


Eta Chi Omega has contributed to the development and mentoring of young women in the Acadiana region through its Debutante Program, which culminates annually with a Winter Cotillion.  For over 25 years, college preparation, interviewing skills, financial literacy, and etiquette have been the focus of Eta Chi Omega's signature program which has impacted nearly 500 participants.

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